
Budget 2020-21

MCQ with answer on Money Supply

  Macro Economics: MCQs: Supply of Money Q1. Money supply viewed as POINT OF TIME is known as:  A. Flow concept B. Stock of money C. Liquid money D. Near money Ans: B Q2. When money is viewed OVER A PERIOD OF TIME, it is known as A. Flow concept of money B. Stock of money C. Liquid money D. Solid money Ans: A Q3. According to RBI, M1 is equal to: A. C+DD+OD B. C+DD C. C+OD D. C+TD Ans: A  Q4. According to RBI, M2 is equal to: A. C+DD+OD B. M1+TD C. C+DD D. M1+ Saving deposits of Post office Ans: D Q5. Deficit financing always leads to: A. An increase in money supply B. Reduction in money supply C. No impact on money supply D. Restrictive money supply Ans: A

Fixed & Flexible Exchange Rate

Fixed & Flexible Exchange Rate



Question Bank SY BAFI Sem 4

Economics II/Macro Economics Concept or Definition Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization Private sector Public sector FDI MNCs Free Trade Policy Protection Trade Policy Fixed exchange rate Flexible exchange rate BOP BOT WTO GATT Internal & International trade Long type questions What is LPG? Explain the scope of LPG. Explain the impact of Globalization in India. Explain role of FDI and Govt. measures attract FDI in India. What is MNC?  Explain its problems and prospects. Explain the Purchasing Power Parity theory of exchange rate determination. Discuss the meaning and structure of BOP. Explain the causes of disequilibrium in BOP. Discuss the measures to correct the disequilibrium in BOP. Explain merits & demerits of Free Trade Policy. Explain merits & demerits of Protection Trade Policy. Evaluate various agreements of WTO.

Question Bank SY B.Com (Sem 4)

International Trade and Business (445405) 1. Evaluate meaning, advantages and disadvantages of Globalization. 2. Discuss various factors affecting International Business Environment. 3. Write a note on domestic and international business OR Distinguish between domestic and International Business. 4. critically explain Ricardo's Comparative cost advantage theory of international Trade. 5. Explain Heckscher- Ohlin theory of International Trade. 6. write the concept of Free trade and Protection Trade Policy. Analyse the different protective trade devices. 7. What is WTO? Discuss the objectives & principles of WTO. 8. Discuss various agreements of WTO. 9. Explain different forms of Regional Groupings. 10.Discuss the meaning & structure of Balance of Payments 11.  Explain the meaning & causes of disequilibrium in Balance of Payments. 12. Analyse various methods to correct disequilibrium in BOP. 13. Explain Balance of Payment theory  of  exchange rate determin...