Question Bank TY BCOM Sem 6

Issues in Indian Economy (645605) 

1.  Discuss the concept of Developing Economy.Analyse the characteristics of Indian Economy as developing Economy.

2. What is Poverty Line? Explain the Poverty Alleviation Programms started by Govt. of India.
3, Explain the measures to reduce the problem of Unemployment.
4. explain the HDI and GDI in detail.
5. what is Agricultural Productivity? explain the measures to increase agricultural Productivity in India.
6. Evaluate the sources of Agricultural Finance in India.
7. Discuss the Problems of Agricultural Marketing in India.
8. Explain the measures to improve Agricultural Marketing in India.
9. Analyse the Agricultural Price Policy in India.
10.evaluate the Industrial Policy 1991 in India.
11.Explain the role and problems of MSMEs in India.
12. Discuss the problems of MSMEs and the Government measures to solve these problems.
13. explain the components of Foreign capital and policy measures to attract FDI in India.
14. what is Special Economic Zone? Evaluate it in Indian context.
15. Evaluate the energy crisis in India and measures to tackle it. 
16. what is Public Private Partnership? explain its advantages and disadvantages.
17. write a note on competition act 2002.
18. Write a note on TPDS.
19. Evaluate the role of IT industry in Indian Economy.


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